Saratoga County officials broke ground Tuesday on a new Public Safety Building which will be named for late Galway Supervisor Paul Lent, who was a driving force behind the project. The $30 million, 63,000-square-foot facility, scheduled for completion in early 2020, will bring together the sheriff, emergency services, probation and public health departments under one roof in addition to the County-wide Emergency Operations Center and 911 dispatch center. Plans for such work began 11 years ago, but was put on hold due to the “Great Recession” of 2008 and a reshuffling of priorities. For over a decade, Latham based Pacheco Ross Architects now H2M architects + engineers has worked on The Saratoga County Public Safety Facility together with the dedicated employees and elected officials of Saratoga County. David J. Pacheco, AIA, Director of our Regional Office at H2M architects + engineers stated to the assembled crowd that “The facility represents a state-of-the art leap into the future and will be a great asset to the County and the departments housed within it.” Public bids for the project received in August were substantially under budget and construction is expected to take approximately 20 months.