What does it take to revitalize a struggling downtown in the midst of an economic downturn? Leadership, public and private investment, and community support—not to mention a first-class wastewater treatment plant.

With H2M’s help, the Village of Patchogue, NY, recently upgraded and expanded their Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP); the new upgrades include a new headworks section with grinder and auger, grit removal, pump station, IFAS STM-Aerotor process, Secondary Clarifiers with a dry pit sludge pump station, ultraviolet disinfection, and a Membrane Sludge Thickening (MBT) system. The upgrade and expansion reduced the plant’s average nitrogen loading by 80 percent—from 47.5 lbs. per day to less than 9 lbs. per day—improving the water quality of the Patchogue River, Great South Bay, and South Shore estuary. The use of a Membrane Sludge Thickening (MBT) process reduced the amount of sludge to be hauled to another Suffolk County facility, saving the Village $330,000 per year at the current flow rate, and over $1.0 million per year at full capacity. Fast-track design enabled the securing of grants to cover 66% of the project’s budget.

Most importantly, the project has created an engine for revitalization of the Village of Patchogue’s downtown and surrounding areas, as expanding the sewer plant’s capacity provided opportunities to connect new and existing businesses. New connections have resulted in additional revenue for the Village, offsetting maintenance operation and future expansion costs. The result has been a staggering multi-million-dollar investment in Patchogue’s revitalization efforts.

“Over the past eight years, there has been over $150 million dollars’ worth of public and private investment in the Village of Patchogue, with another $150 million currently underway,” said Village Mayor Paul Pontieri. “This type of investment doesn’t happen without a wastewater treatment plant. It also doesn’t happen without the right partners, and for Patchogue, that partner has been H2M.”