Serviced by onsite sanitary systems, the business districts of Kings Park and Smithtown are constrained from future growth. Future development in these growing downtowns is limited due to the capacity of cesspools, septic tanks, and leach fields to handle sanitary output. Providing sewers to these downtown areas will benefit existing businesses and make future construction of apartments, medical offices/practices and restaurants possible.

H2M performed an engineering design report for both communities as part of a study commissioned by the Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW). Due to the distance between the two downtowns, two separate reports were developed for the communities.

The Kings Park Business District consists of 140 business establishments across a 65-acre area within the Town of Smithtown. With a projected average design flow of 329,000 gallons per day, the proposed sewer system will include 8,200 LF of gravity sewers and a conventional pump station with a 1.4 mile long force main. A gravity sewer will need to be jacked under the LIRR in order to service the entire business district. The Smithtown Business District is larger, with 350 business establishments across a 280-acre area. The proposed sewer system will include a 22,500 LF low pressure sewer, 1,600 LF of gravity sewer, and a conventional pump station with a 3.2 mile long force main. The projected average design flows are in excess of 500,000 GPD.

Upon approval of the engineering reports, H2M will proceed with the design of sewerage systems and begin the subsequent planning and design for the filter and effluent pump station upgrades to the Suffolk County Sewer District No. 6 Sewage Treatment Plant.