H2M provided complete design and construction administration services for the development of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park Pool and Community Center. All architectural, structural, HVAC, plumbing and electrical design was performed in-house. In addition to the total renovation of the existing pool building, various additions would be included in this project, such as: community rooms for senior citizens/computers/library, locker rooms and showers for pool patrons, kitchen for concession area, offices for the recreation department, and full handicapped accessibility. Under a separate contract before the building renovation, H2M designed a new filtration system for the swimming and wading pool. Prior to starting working drawings, H2M conducted an extensive study phase looking into numerous options for this renovation and expansion project. This study phase was conducted with a citizens pool committee. The recommendations were made and adopted, and bid documents finalized. H2M also provided construction administration and full time resident inspection services during construction.