West Harbor Drive was a four-lane roadway through a primarily residential area of the Village of Bayville. A large percentage of vehicular traffic used the road to bypass the adjacent business district, and limited traffic control devices encouraged speeding. The roadway offered no sidewalk or shoulders; therefore, pedestrians walked on the grass and bicyclists rode in the vehicle travel lanes. The Village sought to increase the safety of its residents by decreasing incidences of speeding and providing a safe location for bicyclists and pedestrians to enjoy the roadway.
After completing a preliminary assessment and design, H2M designed the project to include: the installation of bike lanes in each direction; reduction from four lanes to two lanes; installation of a striped center median; dedicated left turn lanes; a sidewalk on the south side of West Harbor Drive, and installation of ADA-accessible ramps and crosswalks. This project was a Locally Administered Federal Aid Project (LAFAP) and was designed in accordance with the associated guidelines.