EPA Issues Enforcement Alert for Lead-Based Paint

EPA Issues Enforcement Alert for Lead-Based Paint

This past October, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published an enforcement alert about the Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule. Recent violations of the RRP have led the EPA to enact civil and criminal enforcement actions. The EPA is expected to more stringently enforce the RRP, which may lead to an increased demand for compliance services and thus higher associated costs.

There is no safe level of lead exposure and no antidote to lead poisoning. It accumulates in the brain, liver, kidney, and bones. In children, lead can slow mental and physical development and damage the central nervous system. In adults, it causes high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, and kidney damage. In pregnant women, lead can lead to reduced fetal growth and premature births.

The federal government banned the use of lead-based paint in 1978, but millions of buildings still contain it. Renovations or repairs may create lead dust, one of the most common sources of elevated blood lead levels in children. The RRP Rule requires that any work done on pre-1978 buildings must hire lead-safe certified contractors. This enforcement alert details the consequences for not complying with the Rule.

Time is of the essence when it comes to bringing an environmental consultant onto your team. H2M architects + engineers has licensed lead inspectors who can test for the presence of lead-based paint, develop protocols, and review contractor estimates. Reach out to our Education Market or Environmental Discipline for more information:

Market Director Saverio Belfiore, AIA (631) 393-4922
Market Deputy Director Michael Lantier, P.E., LEED AP (631) 392-5274
Environmental Services Discipline Director Paul Lageraaen, P.E., P.G. (631) 392-5220
Environmental Services Discipline Deputy Director Kevin Taylor P.E., P.G. (631) 393-4975