H2M completed Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments at an office building in Nassau County, NY for a potential purchaser. During the Phase I ESA, H2M identified a recognized environmental condition and historical recognized environmental condition, specifically a tetrachloroethylene spill at an adjoining drycleaner. H2M recommended a Phase II ESA to investigate potential risks. As part of the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, H2M collected subsurface soil, soil-vapor, groundwater, and indoor and outdoor air samples to assess potential impacts to the target property. While source areas of contamination were not discovered at the subject property, comparison of the indoor and sub-slab vapor target analyte concentrations to the State of New York matrices in the Guidance for Evaluating Soil Vapor Intrusion, it was determined that mitigation of vapor intrusion was warranted. At the request of the purchaser, H2M has since designed a Sub-Slab Depressurization System and implemented interim remedial measures until future site redevelopment occurs.
Kudos to the H2M Environmental team involved in this assessment and vapor mitigation project, including Michael Schmitz, Lily Wu, P.G., and Kevin Taylor, P.E., P.G.!